Today we discusses about the Interface Design. We learnt about the goals and considerations which are crucial for game design. The first two points we focused are the primary goals and secondary goals. Regarding my game, Himmapan, the primary goals: feedback and control, the interface provides feedback for the progress and instruction. In the progress, the power when the player fights or gets the rewards and the status of the player will be shown on the interface and the map will be provided as a part of instruction.
Since my game is a shooting game, I think it is important to give the player the number of the arrows they have and also the number of target that they shoot. Moreover, Himmapan is a forest, the player has to travel around to achieve the objectives. The map which indicates the directions, information of the places and creatures the player is going to face, and the instructions how to play the game are required.
My game is design to work on the PC, so the control to shoot or to do the trickers is the computer keyboard and mouse. Actually, after watching the NATAL Project Justin showed us today, I have gone to a big imagination about my game control. I like the way the players can control the game without using any consoles. They only need to use their full body. Himmapan is a game which is from a Buddism legend so the weapons the players will use is a crossbow or a bow. The way they play my game should look like the use the real bow and follow the map by waling or running by using thie whole body to control the game. That would be fun!
As a result the player will immerse to the game as they are really in the Himmapan Forest. To make the game atmosphere more effective, the background music, sound effects, some graphic which give the oreintal feelings will be applied.
We also talked about the considerations about the functionality and usability of the game. Although the game is really good and attractive, the players cannot access to play it or it's too complicated to play. The game is just a waste. Therefore, when design a game, it's important to consider these points along with the design process. In addition, the accessibility for disable people to the game is another point to concern about. To me, I think to add the special option to these group of players. And in term of marketing, as we discuss in class and I absolutely agree with, we should extent the targets in the market as wide as possible in order to sell more games and everybody can enjoy it.